How to Automatically Update Your Theme

Nichebarn theme is designed to let you receive automatic update notice right inside your WordPress admin. All you have to do is click on that update link. This will allow you to receive new theme features as well as bug fixes should there be any that arise in the future due to ever changing WordPress environment.

theme updating for beginners

As you can see above, the red circle next to the “Updates” menu item shows that there are updates available. The number displayed indicates how many updates are available. In this example there’s only one update.

Step 1: Hover your mouse over any of the update indicator and you will see it’s a theme update.
theme update notice

Step 2: Click any of the update indicator. You’ll get redirected to the updates page.
theme updates page

Step 3: Select the theme available for update then click “Update Themes” button.

Step 4: If update is successful, you should see this screen message. You’ll also notice that the update indicators are gone.
update theme successful

Automatically Update Nichebarn WordPress Theme

Below is an animation of the steps described above. Updating your WordPress theme actually takes less than a minute especially if you have reliable webhost and fast internet connection.

Update Nichebarn WordPress Theme