How to Change Website Colors

You have all the freedom to change the colors of your website to your heart’s content. Express your artistry and personality with your color choices and color blending. Keep in mind though that your site’s color can make or break your website.

How to Access the Colors Section

Access the Colors Section

The colors section is divided into seven parts:

1. General Colors

Controls the general color settings of your site which includes the post text colors, post title, lines, borders, and buttons.

Post text color set to Blue.

2. Header Colors

Color control for the header part of your site. Includes site title color and header background color.

3. Top Menu Colors

Color control for the top navigation menu.

4. Main Menu Colors

Color control for the main navigation menu.

5. Sidebar & Widgets

Color control for sidebar area including sidebar widgets and homepage widgets.

6. Footer Widgets Colors

Color control for footer widgets area.

7. Footer Colors

Color control for footer or copyrights area.