How Modify Website Using Theme Settings

The Theme Settings customizer control allow you to enable/disable certain theme elements while previewing how it affects your site in real time. You don’t have to worry about site visitors seeing abrupt site changes. The changes you make will take effect only when you click the “Save & Publish” button.

How to Access the Theme Settings Section

Access the Theme Settings Section

The Theme Settings section is divided into nine parts:

1. General Settings

Enable/disable post dates, deactivate Google Fonts jsut in case your language is not compatible, hide scroll to top button. Here you can remove credit link to Nichebarn and put your own copyright text in the footer area.

2. Theme Layout

Choose your sidebar placement (left or right side of your site), theme style (boxed or wide header style), and theme width. Please note that as of this time, theme width is only applicable for boxed theme style.

3. Header Settings

Top Navbar below header

Social icons displayed.

Sticky Navigation enabled.

Use this control to enable/disable the social icons and sticky navigation. You can also move down the top navigation bar.

4. Navigation Settings

The theme has five menus: Main Navigation, Top Navigation, Sticky Navigation, Footer Navigation, and Social Icons navigation. Make sure to create your menu content first on the Menus screen (WP dashborad => Apprearance => Menus) befor assigning it here.

5. Front Page Settings

Manage your homepage content. Show latest posts or a static page.

Latest posts displayed on home page.

A static home page with magazine style presentation.

Note: Manage content of your static front page by going to the Widgets Control then open “Magazine Front Page” section.

6. Featured Content

Configure your featured content. To be displayed on the slider.

7. Slider Settings

Slider Control section.

Show or hide the slider and featured content.

Enabled slider on homepage.

8. Post Settings

Images on archives with excerpt content and “Read more” text link.

Displayed featured images on single posts.

9. Footer Settings

Select how many widgets you want to show on the footer widgets area. You can even also this feature if you want.